Or that of the eight voting to keep it on the market, six said it should be only with tougher warnings and restricted distribution? 或者8名成员投票支持它留在市场上,6名成员说它只是应该有更加严厉的警告和限制经销呢?
Because of the risk of permanent vision damage, the drug will be available only through a restricted distribution program. 由于该药物有导致永久性视力损害的风险,该药物将仅能通过严格限制的程序获得。
Such censorship is routine in China where access to foreign newspapers and news broadcasts is restricted and Xinhua controls distribution to local media of foreign agency reports. 在中国,这种审查制度是常见的。外国报纸和新闻广播在中国受到限制,当地媒体发布外国通讯社报道时受控于新华社。
The logistics distribution system development lags becomes the bottleneck which has restricted the chain retail business of our country, So how to design and reconfigure the distribution system and to improve the efficiency of the distribution. 物流配送系统的发展滞后已成为制约我国连锁零售业的瓶颈,要如何设计和改造连锁企业的配送系统,提高配送效率,其中一个重要问题就是配送中心的选址。
Restricted Evolutionary Strategy for Optimal Capacitor Switching in Distribution Systems 配电网络电容器优化投切的制约进化策略
Though programming the restricted condition of aim, target function, line-net, and the bus circuitry station, line-net optimizing and commonality passenger flux distribution to programme the commonality traffic, so as to accelerate the development of city country economy and society enterprise. 通过规划目标及目标函数、线网规划的约束条件、公交线路站点规划、线网优化以及公共客流量分配对城市公共交通进行规划,可以促进国民经济和社会的发展。
But restricted by current hardware and software condition, it cannot adapt the continuously increasing request of openness, interoperability, distribution and smooth upgrade. 但现有监控软件由于软硬件方面的限制,难以适应不断增长的开放性、互操作、分布化及平滑升级的要求。
Restricted by the imperfect market, insufficient information, dis-uniform exogenous conditions and some other factors, the efficiency of resource distribution in a country's foreign trade structure is inferior to the Pareto Efficiency which existed only in the equilibrium world. 在市场不完全、信息不充分、外生条件不统一等因素的制约下,一国外贸结构形成的资源配置效率通常低于均衡世界里的帕累托最优效率,是一种次优均衡;
The change of solar radiance restricted distribution pattern of organism and environmental elements. 太阳辐射量的变化,制约了生物和相关环境要素的分布格局。
The private education must operate according to market economy rules and are restricted in such aspects as market share, scale, distribution and level. 民办教育必须要按照市场经济的要求运行,在份额、规模、分布、层次上都受到市场总需求的限定。
The reason is that the selection of the parameters restricted by the practical factors and, therefore weaken the effect of Chebyshev distribution, not from Chebyshev distribution. 在少数情况可能出现切比雪夫分布的效果稍逊于二项式分布,本文经过研究认为:原因主要在于设计中相关参数选取受到实际限制而抑制了切比雪夫分布的作用,问题并不是切比雪夫分布造成的。
Lagoon subfacies and tidal-flat subfacies on evaporated platform and lagoon subfacies on restricted platform control distribution of cap rocks. 蒸发台地泻湖、蒸发台地潮坪和局限台地泻湖等亚相控制盖层的分布。
The algorithm takes advantage of the adjacent list data structure and the mechanism of restricted searching area, that is, the algorithm uses the spatial distribution feature of the real road network to restrict the searching area reasonably. 算法实现采用邻接表数据结构和限制搜索区域的搜索机制,即利用实际城市道路网络的空间分布特性,合理限制算法的搜索区域。
FSLS belongs to restricted distribution. FSLS是属于受限分发技术。
The genus is restricted in distribution to the Upper Ordovician of eastern Australia and China, where the four known species are useful for precise regional correlation. 该属仅在澳大利亚东部和中国上奥陶统分布,已知有4种,而且具有较精确的区域对比价值。
Paying more attention to the equity in the second distribution has become a basic policy in our country, but the implement of it has being restricted by the system in both the first and the second distribution in these days. 在再分配中更注重公平已成为我国的一项基本收入分配政策,但在现阶段,其实现受到了来自于初次分配和再分配这两个领域的制度制约。
When using the standard value method, they were restricted to the sample size and the distribution class of the data. 标准分法受样本容量及数据资料呈何分布类型的限制;
The growth of innovational source is impacted and restricted by the cultural circumstance, which provide the way of thinking, choice of value, conventions, habit, institutions, system, surroundings, and social distribution of resources, incurring the industry laboratory take place regional transfer. 文化环境为科技创新提供了思维方式、价值取向、生活习性、资源配置格局、规制条件和环境氛围,是诱致工业实验室发生区域转移的根本原因。
Area-restricted Design in Distribution Center 面积约束下的配送中心内部规划
Restricted Layout Problem in Distribution Center 限制条件下的配送中心内部布局问题研究
The present situation that we are facing some problems in the area of individual income tax system has severely restricted the arrangement of finance income, fair distribution of social wealth, and full development of the adjusting working of economy and is incompatible with the economic growth. 我国个人所得税制度存在缺陷的现状,严重制约了个人所得税组织财政收入、公平社会财富分配、调节经济运行功能的充分发挥,也与我国现阶段经济发展及收入分配结构不相适应。
A semi-analytical method with no assumption of stress and displacement is developed, in which the thickness of shell is not restricted and the uniform distribution of springs is not needed. 分析方法是半解析法,没有应力和位移模式的假设,不限制壳的厚度,不要求两壳间的连接弹簧或其它支撑弹簧均匀分布;
This work first solves the experimental correlative expression of boiling heat transfer coefficient of the evaporative cooling medium in restricted space in sealed stator body. This offers an important calculation parameter for researching the temperature distribution in evaporative cooling stator. 首次解决了定子密封腔体内蒸发冷却换热过程中狭窄流道内的表面沸腾换热系数的实验关联式的建立,为研究蒸发冷却定子温度场分布提供了重要的计算参数。
The development distribution of convention and exhibition industry has strong location selectivity. At present, it has restricted the development of convention and exhibition industry severely, which were due to the imbalance of area distribution, income structure and scale of exhibition Hall. 会展业的发展布局具有很强的区位选择性,目前我国会展业在区域布局、收益结构以及展馆规模结构上的失衡已经严重阻碍了会展业的正常发展。
The results show that restricted by the undeveloped economic and social situation, sports market in this province is not much developed and far from distribution of sports resources. 结果显示:黑龙江省受经济、社会发展较为滞后的制约,体育市场发育迟缓,体育产业化程度不高,体育市场培育过程中,市场机制配置资源的作用远未显现。
These factors restricted the development and reasonable distribution of high-quality courses. 这些因素在一定程度上左右和制约了精品课程的合理分布与发展。
From the perspective of international division of labor, China is confined in the low end links of global value chain, leading many manufacture enterprises to be restricted to international corporations, who control the value chain through the distribution links. 从国际分工的角度看,中国整体上处于全球价值链的低端环节,致使国内大量的制造企业受控于跨国公司,而跨国公司对加工制造业的控制主要通过流通环节来实现。
But distribution communication is always a weak links in electric network recently, which restricted the realization of the power distribution automation seriously. 而目前的配用电网络,配网通信一直是一个薄弱环节,严重制约了配用电自动化系统的实现。
The results of DCA ordination indicated that the main factors that restricted community distribution were aspect and slope. DCA排序结果表明制约侧柏群落不同群丛分布的主要因素是坡度和坡向。
Today, traditional medical model is being restricted by many facts and has revealed all its inadequacies, which has caused great concern, such as low efficiency, shortage of health resources, and improper distribution of health resources. 传统医疗模式的发展时至今日已经受到了越来越多的限制,也暴露出了许多缺陷。低效率、资源短缺和资源分配不合理的弊病,引起了很高的关注。